This was a fun one that I’ve been hiding under my hat for a while!
I had the opportunity to work with Bill Oakley (of Simpsons fame) on a new line of 1960’s-inspired vinyl toys, based on his own wacky ideas. I was a huge Simpsons fan growing up, and the seasons where Bill was showrunner were some of the best so it was really cool to work with him for that reason alone - but I also I love retro 1960’s-era advertisements and cartoon mascots, so it was exciting to work on something that was right in my wheelhouse that way as well. Bill has plans for a series of these vinyl figures but my design, “Sneaker Sniffer”, is the first in the series. It was definitely something different to have an assignment to draw a character who gets his “jollies” (as Bill puts it) from sniffing a smelly shoe. Check out the kickstarter right here!
Initial rough ideas and exploration for the “Sneaker Sniffer”…..complete with smell lines.
Zeroed in on these designs, but we still weren’t quite there.
Exploring colour palette.
Rough sketches of the rotation for the toy modeller.
Final Character rotation.
Final toy production.